Aman Oliver

My Articles

How priming has a variety of effects on daily life (Chivers, 2020).

Assimilation is the process by which people alter how they interpret the fresh stimulus they have just met, allowing their previous schema to be preserved. A connection may be added, broken, or rearranged as a result of the novel stimulus, which is referred to as accommodating. As people establish new views as a result of being presented with new information that contradicts their prior notions, accommodation is simply learning (Stagnor, 2011). 

Researchers conducted a series of four trials in a study by Leipold et al. (2014) and discovered that the assimilation and accommodation processes are "systematically dependent on physical, cognitive, and motivational states" (Leipold et al., 2014). The researchers defined assimilation as "tenacious goal pursuit" and accommodation as "flexible goal adjustment," and they discovered that "participants were more assimilative when they thought about their action resources" (Leipold et al., 2014). In other words, assimilation is more likely to occur in situations requiring physical movements, body manipulation, and mental manipulation (Leipold et al., 2014). Contrarily, when diverse thinking is required, which the researchers characterise as "thinking about rare functions of items or odd motives in daily life," accommodation is more likely to happen (Leipold et al., 2014).

Conditions involving physical activity may increase the likelihood of assimilation since individuals perform these acts more automatically and spontaneously. Furthermore, when one feels in control of a problem, they may be less likely to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas, choosing instead to rely on the schemas they already have since they are the ones in power. Divergent thinking scenarios are more likely to result in accommodation because people may not have enough schemas to support problem-solving in these circumstances. They may need to take a risk and accept new knowledge in order to do this, which will allow them to develop and change our schemas.

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